I am second year graduate student in computer science department. I have been working in distributed computing for a while now. Basically through my job before coming here and also as a research assistant in this department. I recently became more interested in compter vision and machine learning. As, I am in early stages of learning these fields I can not really say what kind of visualization challenges are involved. Apart from this I will also be interested in applying visualization techniques to data outside my domain. This way I guess I come in between the domain scientist and vis scientist.
I expect to learn some good design patterns for a wide set of data-sets with varying dimensions, scale etc. This might be very helpful as I am still not sure exactly the visualization challenges I might face. Additionally, I would also like to know about the recent trends in visualization research and about some useful visualization tool-kits. I am also looking forward for getting some hands on experience through assignments or project.
As for programming and design skills are concerned, I have a good amount of experience with handful of programming and scripting languages. I haven’t done much on the design side and not much work related to 3D graphics either. The main visualization experience is with system admin tools for visualizing network and cluster activities etc.
Hi all! I am a first year graduate student in Computer Science. I’m currently interested in graphics and artificial intelligence. My research is geared toward creating large-scale visualizations with specific focus on the visualization of aligned genomic sequences.
Since my research is vis-based, my interests in visualization are to better understand it as both an art and a science. There is a lot of really cool work currently being done in the field. I’m looking forward to getting more exposure to the wide range of visualization techniques currently in use. Generally, in terms of the visualization perspectives, I spend the bulk of my time in the Vis Scientist category in addition to giving a fair share of attention to the Designer aspect of things. From this class, I hope to get a better understanding of the Designer/Domain Scientist aspects of visualization through our class discussions and to get a better understanding of how to compose effective visualizations. I have a fair bit of programming experience in a variety of languages and have some design experience, mostly in the web domain.
cs.wisc.edu/~dalbers [not a good example of web design, but oh well 🙂 ]
Name: Shuang Huang
Department: Statistics
Status: Third-year PhD student
Website: www.stat.wisc.edu/~huangs
I am new to visualization although I spend most of my researching time on playing with data. My interest in this field is to learn how to withdraw information from data effectively and efficiently, and then present to others clearly. The data I am working on is from geneticists, which are of huge quantity and sometimes messy. I wish I can learn skills to make data and statistical results easy to understand.
The softwares I am using are R, SAS and MATLAB. I used to program in C/C++ many years ago. Like most statistician, I would view myself as a tool user and domain scientist.
I am:
– at the School of Journalism, fourth year PhD student.
– Mapping complex dynamics among social agents and media.
– Positioning emerging citizen journalism in specific forms of “media ecology”.
– Utilizing community network knowledge for journalism and community discourses.
* Currently working on agent-based models of media institution interactions for dissertation research.
* Currently working on the community journalism project “Madison Commons” as technical manager/developer with prof. Lew Friedland.
* Also partly involved in designing implementations for the community social network database “Community Knowledge Base”, which is being developed by prof. Lew Friedland.
– Find ideas to better visualize complex relational models (e.g. social networks) for academic and popular uses.
– As for computing skills, server management experiences, some PHP and tiny bit JAVA(administrator-level, rather than programmer-level).
– Visualization tools I’ve used include network analysis programs such as UCINET and ORA, ABM programs such as NetLOGO.
My interest in the fields of spatial visualization and cartography stem from a background in graphic visualization for broad audiences. The role of effective visual communication has shaped my previous education and career which allowed me to recognize and appreciate the challenges within cartographic design.
After obtaining an undergraduate degree from the University of Montana in television production, I relocated to San Francisco to pursue a career as a 3D animator. I spent several years as an animator before moving to Seattle to start my own business designing digital content for broadcast and the internet. During that time I worked on several projects that required the creation of thematic maps, which lead to my interest in cartography.
I am currently pursuing a PhD in geography and my specific areas of interest are interactive and on-demand cartography and 3D visualization. My master’s thesis explored gesturing techniques for map navigation using multi-touch interfaces and I recently completed custom versions of the hardware and software.
For this class, I would like to rely on some of the programming languages that I already know (C#, ActionScript, Java, JavaScript, PHP) and also learn some new techniques for effective visualization. I would currently place myself between the ‘Designer’ and ‘Vis Scientist’ perspectives that we talked about in class.
At a glance:
- Adrian Mayorga
- 1st year grad student, Computer Sciences
- Focus: Computer Graphics
- Skills: C/C++, Java, C#, Scheme, Haskell
I am a first year grad student in the Department of Computer Sciences. My primary interest lies in computer graphics. Specifically, I am interested in improving how people create, and communicate ideas through computer graphics. When applied to visualization, I am interested in how information can be clearly mapped into a visual that is easily understood. If I were to place myself in the triangle I would be somewhere between Vis Scientist and Designer. There are two main things that I wish to get out of the class: 1) Have a broad understanding of the visualization community and the direction it is taking 2) Learn about the tools that are used to reason about, evaluate, and design good visualization tools.

Name : Chaman Singh Verma
Affiliation: Department of Computer Sciences
Website :
Current Status: First year Ph.D student.
Professional Interests:
Applied Computational Geometry specially in 3D mesh generation, large
scale parallel and distributed computing.
Before coming to UW for the graduate studies, I was working at Argonne
National Lab at Chicago in the field of Biomedical image processing and
3D reconstruction of human carotid arteries. The 3D models generated from
the images were used in computer simulation of carotid stenois. One of the
reason why I got involved in visualization area at ANL was because there were
not good tools to analyze terabytes of dataset generated by the largest and
fastest supercomputers in various research labs. It is widely accepted by the
scientists at these labs that unless there are tools to extract useful
information from these dataset, the aim of “Simulation as third Pillar of
Science” can not be achieved.
Before joining ANL, I worked for eight years for a Supercomputer manufacturing
company where my primary responsibilities were developing tools and benchmarkingHPC compilers, system software and end users applications.
I have great expectations from this class because of my frustrating experience
with analysis of 3D and higher dimensional datasets. It will be extremely
valuable to get some new insights into
1. Dimension reduction techniques.
2. Extremely large scale SVD and PCA techniques.
3. Efficient 3D Volume visualization techniques.
Skills: Primarily C/C++ with Parallel Programming using Message Passing Interface, multi-threading and, OpenMP. Recently started learning CUDA programming
Hi all,
I’m Nate. In 2001, I graduated from here with a degree in Comp Sci. Afterwards, I spent a few years working at the Health Sciences Library, and a few years working at Wendt Library, gradually transitioning from a desktop support person to a web developer. Since then, I’ve moved to a brain imaging lab and now help build tools for scientists to use mainly in functional MRI studies. And in my spare time, I’m a co-founder of a small startup company, where we sell software for librarians to help in running and staffing a reference desk.
As far as my interest in vis goes, I’m very interested in learning to make tools for our researchers to better explore fMRI data — existing tools are of really low quality. I suppose this puts me on the midline between domain scientist and designer: I’m not going to discover any new principles of visualization, but I sure would like to learn to make better tools.
Skillset-wise, I have about 15 years of programming experience in various languages, though in recent times, I’ve gravitated towards dynamic-ish languages — ruby and python are favorites, depending on what needs to be done. I actually like javascript. I’m quite light on graphic and interaction design skills; I really don’t feel like I’ve ever made anything really beautiful, or with a particularly elegant interface.
And here is a picture of me, from when I became married.