Welcome to Visualization Snacks!

Visualization Snacks is my attempt to provide Visualization Knowledge in small, easily accessible pieces.

Warning: This is a pre-release version of the site. I am just putting up the shell with a few postings for my class.

Many people want help with Visualization, but don’t have the opportunity to take a class, or do extensive reading, or search through the endless resources. Many of the resources out there only work in the context of a larger chunk.

What I’ve found is the pieces I’ve created for the class I teach (CS765 Course Web) are not necessarily appropriate for anything other than the students in the class. Visualization Snacks is an attempt to put that kind of content into a form that may be more usable to others.

What you’ll find (the sections of the site)…

  • Snacks - these are the core “lessons” written explicitly for this site. The idea is to have a form that allows for quick consumption. The goal is to provide the main idea quickly, but then to provide the background afterwards. The why follows the what.

  • Tutorials - these are written “documents” that were originally created for my class, or that don’t have the stylized form of the Snacks. They tend to be longer.

  • Critiques - are examinations of specific visualizations. The idea of a critique is to examine something closely to learn from it (not just to criticize).

  • Papers - are my summaries/discussions of papers (or other documents). The idea is that I read them, so you don’t have to.

  • Resources - descriptions of books and other things that might be helpful.

A listing of some of the recent postings…


Phone App Time Graphs

in Snacks

In this snack, we look at “value over time” graphs in two different iPhone apps. It’s a good opportunity to connect design and task with a comparative critique.

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Tutorial 4: Critique

in Tutorials

Critique is the practice of examining something carefully to understand it and learn, often in a “discussion” format. Critique is a key tool in learning about Vis, and in improving design (for Vis, and in general). It is also a generally useful skill that can be learned with practice.

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Munzner: Visualization Analysis and Design

in Resources

This is the closest thing to a “primary textbook” for my class. The course shares a similar philosophy to the book, and we’ll read almost all of the chapters. The UW library has electronic copies, so students do not need to buy it.

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Bertin's Books (Semiology of Graphics)

in Resources

Jacques Bertin was a French cartographer who had lots of ideas about visualization, before there was a field of visualization. Many of the ideas we use in visualization today can be seen in his work, although reading these “original sources” can be challenging.

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Ware: Visual Thinking for Information Design

in Resources

This is a thin little book (I know several people who read it in one sitting) that discusses the psychology of visual perception and its relationship to visualization and design. It’s not very deep, but it’s a great place to get started in appreciating how understanding how we see can help us be better designers.

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Tufte's Books

in Resources

Edward Tufte’s books are probably the most famous (or infamous) books on visualization. They are more art history books, full of historical examples and commentary, than books to help you understand or design visualizations. However, they are very influential, and everyone in the field (and many people outside of the field) talks about them. We look at parts of them for class.

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Books on Design

in Resources

Students often ask for resources on Graphic Design. I’ll suggest two books that have been readings in class in the past (and might be this year if we do the Graphic Design module): “The Non-Designer’s Design Book” and “Design for Hackers: Reverse Engineering Beauty.”

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Tutorial 1: What Is Visualization and How do We Do It?

in Tutorials

This gives you a sense of my thoughts on what Visualization is, and how we best go about creating them. By defining visualization in a clear and operational manner, we can better organize our thinking about what it means to do visualization well (which is our goal), how we should go about doing it, and what we need to learn to do it.

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