Looking at classes at other universities is a great way to get a sense of the field. I have definitely spent a lot of time looking at other places to get ideas for this class. Sadly, we can’t make use of all of the good ideas.
- Maneesh Agarwala’s CS294 class at UC Berkeley. This is one of my main inspirations.
- Hanspeter Pfister’s CS171 class at Harvard. Was a primary inspiration for doing this class.
- Colin Ware teaches a class a the University of New Hampshire. He’s the author of the best textbooks, so his class was certainly one to look at.
- Victoria Interante had an interesting class at Minnesota, but the web page seems to have gone away.
- David Ebert at Purdue teaches a class that’s a little more broad than some of the others (including more traditional “scientific” visualization).
- Tamara Munzer’s class at University of Brittish Columbia
- Hanrahan
- Marti Hearst’s class at Berkeley.