Emma Turetsky

January 25, 2010

in Student Posts

  • Emma Turetsky
  • Department: Computer Sciences
  • 1st year grad student
  • My interests are in PL and Graphics (varied, I know.)  I have a strong interest in various ways of turning 2D v0lumetric data into 3D images, specifically in brain scans.  I suppose I see myself as a Vis Scientist (I wasn’t in class, so I don’t know the specifics of the different perspectives), but I want to make tools to better visualize data, so maybe a designer as well.
  • I hope to learn what makes a “good” visualization versus a “bad” one.  And maybe learn techniques that are used to make visualizations.
  • I’m confident in Java and C++ as well as Scheme and other ML like languages.  I also have a background in Prolog if that would at all be useful.
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