Cool Stuff

January 21, 2010

in Cool Stuff,News

From time to time, you probably come across some cool visualization stuff out in the world. Let’s share it and discuss it!

If you find something, create a posting in the category “Cool Stuff”. We’ll approve posts in this category slowly (not to overwhelm people) – maybe release 1-2 a day.

Please contribute (both by posting things, as well as by commenting on what’s there). Rather than making a certain amount of postings/comments a class requirement, for now I’d like to just ask that people contribute and see how it works out.

I will seed this by putting something up now. (Puneet has sent me a few good candidates, but I’ll let him post those).

By the way – to see the cool stuff category, click “Cool Stuff” in either the navbar (top of screen) or on the side bar.

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