Final Project Requirements

May 4, 2010

in Final Project

Each group will turn in a single zip file containing:

  1. A Visualization
  2. Any Artifacts
  3. The writeup
  4. Presentation materials

Each person will turn in a zip file (seperate from the group one) containing:

  1. A Bibliography
  2. Paper Summaries
  3. A Post-Mortem

Each of these is detailed below. One you have created the zip file, send email to the instructor and TA telling us how big it is, and we’ll figure out the best way for you to deliver it. (do not send us big files by email!)

Everything must be turned in before the beginning of the presentation session. So make the delivery arrangements well before that!

Things to be done by each group

Each group should prepare each of these together. I would prefer documents as PDFs except as noted. Everything should be put together in a single zip file.

A Visualization

Turn in some pictures of what you did, applied to some specific data (this is a requirement in the project description). If you made an interactive tool, you should make some pictures of what it looks like.

Each picture should have an associated “caption” explaining what the picture shows (as in, what the data is, and what the visualization is showing about the data). It might be best to do this by created a web page that includes the image and the caption (but make sure the zip file is self contained, with local links). Or you can put the pictures into a document in your favorite word processor and make a PDF.

Any “artifacts”

This is mainly the program you wrote, along with the data to run it on (if that is feasible). Please make sure that you provide instructions on how to run your program(s). (windows binaries are preferred in addition to the source code, if appropriate. If you have questions on what to turn in, ask.

You should also include pictures that you made (preferably in a curated gallery with captions explaining what they are).

The Final Writeup

As indicated in the project description, your main writeup should be a 4 page (in the format for IEEE Visualization), self-contained, description of your projects. Define the problem and your solution.

Create a writeup: your writeup must be in the format of a Eurovis poster paper IEEE Visualization poster paper and 4 pages, not 2 pages. The writeup must be submitted as PDF document. The format is described here, including Word and LaTeX templates. Note: you do not need to provide the “Descriptors” or “Keywords.”

The formatting is actually a requirement (so you can learn how to deal with formatting requirements for real venues).

Authorship order (which is significant in some academic venues) is not important for this.

In addition to a PDF, please include the “source code” (e.g. latex or word) for the document.


Each group will give a 10 minute presentation either in class or in the presentation session.

Please include your presentation materials in the zip file.

Things to be done by each person

Each person should turn in their own version of each of these as they were supposed to be done independently. Please turn in each one as a PDF, and turn in 1 zip file with everything.


You should provide a complete list of everything you read. The citation should be complete (enough of a bibliographic entry that someone will know what it is, can judge the source, and find it). Please include a web link if available (for example a DOI – which is required by many journals now).

Note: you might not have read all of the papers in the bibliography that you list. Please indicate this (maybe denote them “read” “skimmed” or “not looked at”).

Reading Summaries

You should write a brief summary of the papers that were significant. This won’t be everything in the Bibliography. (but should be at least 5 papers per person, as discussed in the project assignment)

You should summaries the content of the paper (what is the main ideas), as well as what you took away from it (both in general, as well as for the project).

These need not be long – 2-3 paragraphs can do the job well (if you really understand the paper, you can see what the key points are)


A “post-mortem” is a chance to reflect on the project after its over. In terms of pedagogy, this is a critical piece of making sure you learn something form the project.

Briefly describe the process – what did you do. This may be different than what is reflected in the final writeup (which is focused on the outcomes).

What did you learn from the process?

What would you have done differently? What would you do the same if you were to do it over?

Self-Evaluation: what grade would you give yourself (and why)?

Group Evaluation: how well did your team work out? How would you evaluate your teammates? (this will not be shared with them)

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