By Friday, April 16th, you need to have posted a project plan. The original idea was that you should post one earlier and we would iterate over it to refine it. I hope you will still do that – when you have something together, post it and send the instructor and TA email and we’ll get you some feedback. The goal is to find things that are good topics, but also where you can do something meaningful in the short time.
Each proposal should have:
- A description of the topic
- A description of the desired outcomes: what do you expect to produce from the project (a program, an experiment, a document, etc)
- An initial reading list: what are the first few things you plan to read on the subject. If you need help in identifying relevant readings, ask for help.
- A timetable: what do you expect to have achieved by the milestones
- A description of the example visualizations you will make (remember, even if you write a survey or build software, you must actually do visualization on some data). Please tell us about your data sources.
In general: ask for help. Talk to us as much as possible. We really want to help guide you towards doing something cool and interesting.