Week 2 ( Mon, Jan 28 – Fri, Feb 1): Graphics APIs, Drawing Basics
Mon, Jan 28: Workbook 02: Two APIs (Web Graphics Basics) assigned
Tue, Jan 29: Lecture: Graphics APIs
Thu, Jan 31: Lecture: Code and Math Review
Fri, Feb 1: Workbook 02: Two APIs (Web Graphics Basics) due
Remember that Workbook 01: Getting Started (Web Programming) should be done (officially by Monday, but for the first assignment, we can give you an extra day). We will release the example solution on Wednesday.
If you had trouble with workbook 1 – either the mechanics (GitHub) or the content (JavaScript programming) please visit a TAs office hours. We need to make sure that these basic issues are addressed so we can move on to more interesting things (like graphics).
Speaking of which… Workbook 02: Two APIs (Web Graphics Basics) is available. Make sure you’ve done workbook 1 first. The lectures this week will help you with the workbook. We’ll talk about the graphics APIs, and even walk through some of the workbook code (Thursday). In these initial workbooks, there is less book reading and more web reading. That will start to change in a few weeks.
On Tuesday in lecture, we’ll talk about the basic ideas of graphics and how they are programmed using the APIs we’re using. This will give us a chance to look at some JavaScript concepts (like closures). On Thursday, we’ll review some graphics code, and some of the math.