
Reading 14: Image Processing (the last one!)

by Mike Gleicher on December 2, 2015

For our last reading, we’ll read about image processing. This is the topic of the last 3 lectures (Dec 8, 10 and 15) and the last programming assignment. We’ve finally gotten the lesson and will de-couple readings from the weekly quiz/assignments. There will be a quiz on Ray Tracing for 12/8 (details coming in a […]

Reading 13: Ray-Tracing

by Mike Gleicher on November 25, 2015

If you haven’t done last week’s reading on Perception, you might want to do that first. In class for the week of November 30-December 4th, we’ll be learning about photo-realistic (or at least high-quality) rendering. For the readings, we’ll be learning about one of the methods that is often used with high-quality rendering: Ray-Tracing. We’ll […]

Reading 12: Perception

by Mike Gleicher on November 17, 2015

Due: Monday, 11/23. (we’ll talk about perception stuff in class) Evaluation: There will be a quiz on canvas (coming soon). It will focus on material related to the previous reading (Reading 11 on Curves and Surfaces) – there may be some perception questions, but there will be more next week. Readings: If you haven’t read […]

Reading 11: Curves and Surfaces

by Mike Gleicher on November 13, 2015

Due: Monday, November 16 (for the quiz and curve readings, which were already assigned – the surfaces readings later in the week) Evaluation: There is a quiz on the curve parts of the reading on Canvas. (Assignment 11:Curves). It will be made available soon (it isn’t as of Friday morning). Readings: By now you should […]

Some “Video Help Sessions”

by Mike Gleicher on November 12, 2015

Last year, I tried some experiments with doing video help sessions – short videos of me explaining topics that students had questions about. These are not well-produced videos – just a webcam pointed at my whiteboard. These may or may not be useful for you, but here they are: The DeCastlejau algorithm for 2nd degree […]

Reading 10: Curves

by Mike Gleicher on November 3, 2015

Due: Monday, November 9th Evaluation: There will be no quiz this week. We’ll have a quiz on this material after we’ve discussed it in lecture. This can be tricky stuff, and will appear a lot in upcoming programming assignments, homework assignments, and exam questions. Required Reading Chapter 15 of Foundations of Computer Graphics: is a […]

Reading 9: Meshes and Shape

by jmishra on October 31, 2015

Due: November 2 Synopsis: If you didn’t read about advanced texturing last week, this is your chance! We will begin to look at how we represent shapes. Also, you may want to go back to some of the texturing readings since they will help with the project. The Hart reading will be useful for the […]

Books hidden on Canvas…

by Mike Gleicher on October 21, 2015

You may not have noticed this, but if you are in the course canvas directory, and look under files, you will see all the books we are using in class, and have access to all (or most) of the chapters in one convenient place. Some of the things that are there (because the names aren’t […]

Two very useful references

by jmishra on October 15, 2015

I just came across two very useful references for debugging JavaScript and using HTML5 canvas. They are very short and will require not more than a few minutes to go through.

Reading 7: Lighting and Texturing

by jmishra on October 9, 2015

Due: October 19 Synopsis: We’ll learn the basics of lighting and texturing. The readings won’t necessarily discuss the implementation details. But you should understand the basics before we more on to either the details, or the advanced methods. Evaluation: Check/No Check (based on passing the Quiz). Details on the quiz coming soon. Handin: Canvas link […]