For our last reading, we’ll read about image processing. This is the topic of the last 3 lectures (Dec 8, 10 and 15) and the last programming assignment.
We’ve finally gotten the lesson and will de-couple readings from the weekly quiz/assignments. There will be a quiz on Ray Tracing for 12/8 (details coming in a separate post), and a quiz on image processing for 12/14. These quizzes are meant to help you make sure you’re ready for the final exam.
This reading is due before class on 12/8. The readings are designed to complement the lectures – it’s good if you look at it before lecture, but you will also want to review it afterwards. There’s a lot to read, but it’s to be read over 2 weeks.
The readings:
- Chapter 9 (Signal Processing) from Foundations of Computer Graphics.
- Chapter 3 (parts listed below) of Rick Szeliski’s Book “Computer Vision.” Even though this is a published book, he makes it available online –with the request that if you want the book, you should download the whole thing. So, you need to download the whole book even though we’re only looking at chapter 3. And not even all of that. But the rest of the book is really good (Chapters 2 and 10 are relevant to the class), so you might want to look through it.
The parts of Szeliski to read:
- 3.1 and 3.2 are required. Expect to have to things from this on the programming assignment
- 3.3.1 is recommended for the programming assignment.
- The rest of 3.3 is optional – but these are some of my favorite algorithms, they just aren’t as relevant for class
- 3.4 is a good introduction to the theory – it’s optional (you can get the theory from the FCG chapter – but seeing it presented again might be helpful).
- 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 are strongly recommended for the programming assignment, the rest of the section is useful (it’s the formalization of mip-mapping), but not something we’ll get to for this class
- 3.6 is optional – stuff I wish we had time to discuss more in class. If you want to know how texture mapping works, this is a great place to start.