by Mike Gleicher on August 22, 2014
This is the course web for the Fall 2014 edition of the class. If you are looking for the Fall 2015 edition, go
This was the News page – or a list of announcements that seem important.
Basic course info is scattered about this website. (Check the “Basic Info” category).
There will also be a course Moodle page that will be used for some of the materials and for turning things in, and a course Piazza site that will be used for discussion. Announcements will always be made here (on this web site), and when necessary we’ll give you a pointer to important
things on Moodle.
by Mike Gleicher on December 15, 2014
Final class grades have been posted in Student Center. If you’re curious how they were calculated, please check here.
by Mike Gleicher on December 13, 2014
I am feeling generous this morning.
If you turned things in on time, thank you.
If you honestly feel that an extra 6 hours after the deadline would have made a big difference, send Adam and I email before 4pm Saturday saying what might have been different if you had 6 hours. Be realistic: if you didn’t do it in
4 weeks, it probably wouldn’t happen in the sleep deprived last 6 hours. It should be something like “if I had a few more hours, I would have been able to fix this bug”, not some new technical challenge. In the event that your project
is on the borderline between grades, we will look at these. I am giving you this option because I am giving some people more time, which really isn’t fair to you. Please say “Project 2 Overtime” in the subject of your email.
I should add that if your project is borderline between grades, we will probably give you the benefit of doubt even if you don’t send us email.
If you did not turn in the project on time:
There are two other options. If you want to take either one, send email to BOTH Adam and I before noon on Saturday.
1. If you turn things in by 2pm Saturday, we will grade it at the end of regular grading. There will be a penalty, and there will be no opportunity for us to contact you if there is a handin problem. Send email to Adam when we can
grab your project.
2. If you turn thing in by 6am Sunday, I will try to grade it myself. There is no opportunity for fixing things – it must download and build easily. There will be a big penalty, since you will lose all the “grader consensus points”.
We need to give penalties for late projects out of fairness to the vast majority of the class that followed the rules.
If you turned in something on time, this is better than turning something in late – so don’t change your assignment.
by Mike Gleicher on December 11, 2014
According to the system, only 1/3 of people have done their course evals as of right now (Thursday evening).
If you have done your course eval: thank you. Please remind your classmates to do them ASAP.
If you haven’t done your eval: please do it ASAP. Evaluations close on Friday, December 12th.
The survey website is:
You can do evals up until Friday, December 12th (it doesn’t say when – probably the afternoon). I don’t get to see the results (other than the number of people who responded) until after the 26th.
The evaluations really help me in understanding how to improve the course. Thank you for doing them. Future students will thank you for doing them.
by Mike Gleicher on December 9, 2014
Detailed instructions on handing in Project 2 are available here.
- 1 ZIP file with everything (documentation, screenshots, code, …) goes to Moodle – or a link to AFS if its too big.
- Your documentation is important – we need to know what you did!
- Even if your partner turned in the project, you need to tell us that in Moodle.
- Everyone (both partners in a team) needs to fill out the grading submission form.
by Mike Gleicher on December 9, 2014
A “study guide” for the final exam is posted here.
The final will be 2:45pm-4:45pm on Sunday 12/14 in room 113 Psychology.
by Mike Gleicher on December 9, 2014
The website for course evals is:
Please go to this website, and fill in the form for this class (people tell me it is there). I am curious about your experiences with this system.
If you want to see the official email that you were supposed to get (I even got a message saying that it was sent to the students), I’ve posted it here.
by Mike Gleicher on December 7, 2014
Wow – we’ve made it to the last week.
Last week we took a whirlwind tour of image processing basic theory. The homework didn’t need to be turned in, but it’s probably a
good idea to try to answer the questions. They make for great exam questions (hint hint).
This week, the biggest things on your mind are probably Project 2 (which is due Wednesday, but there is some flexibility) and the final exam (which is Sunday, with no flexibility).
There are no readings this week. With the project and the exam, you’re probably busy enough. That means for this week’s subject material, you’ll need to learn it in lecture.
So this week…
- Please do a course evaluation! You should have received an invitation online via email. We’ll reserve a little time in class on Thursday for people to do it (bring a laptop, tablet or smartphone) since we’ll be doing it online.
- Tuesday in class, we’ll talk about high-quality rendering (including Ray Tracing). It’s one of those topics we could spend the whole semester on, but we’ll talk about the basic ideas. If we have time, we’ll talk about deformations
as well.
- Thursday in class, we’ll do a little bit of reviewing some of the topics we did learn by mentioning some of the topics we didn’t. We’ll take some time to look at people’s project 2s (if you want to show something in your project
off, please bring your laptop to class – or at least a memory stick with the compiled program). We’ll also save a little time for people who did not do the course evaluations yet.
- Sometime during the week, I’ll post hand-in instructions for project 2. We will have some mechanism to handle handins that are bigger than what moodle allows. Also, we will have a form to fill out online that will help us with
by Mike Gleicher on December 7, 2014
The final exam will be cumulative. Stuff from the beginning of the semester is fair game.
I will post another list of topics that we covered in lecture like I did for the midterm. This will probably happen after Tuesday’s lecture so I can include that as well.
The exam will be at the time assigned by the registrar in the room that is assigned by the registrar. Their web page is down at the moment, but I last I checked, this is 2:30pm on Sunday, December 14th, somewhere in Psychology.
by Mike Gleicher on December 6, 2014
There is a slight change in the Project 2 requirements (don’t worry, we are requiring less, not more).
It is OK if some of your objects use “Old Style” lighting. Realistically, we won’t be able to check all of your objects to make sure that they all use shaders. So, if there are some that use “Old Style” lighting, that’s OK.
What we do care about is that you use shaders (for at least some things). And hopefully these shaders do cool things.