Course Evals

by Mike Gleicher on December 9, 2014

This is the email that the system said it was going to send to students. As far as I can tell, it did not.

Dear Student Name,

Student Course Evaluations for this term are now available until Dec 12, 2014. To submit your course evaluation(s), please visit the following website:
The following courses are pending your evaluation:

LIST of Courses

You will use your NetID username and password to login, then select your course, fill out the evaluation, and submit. The evaluation is absolutely confidential and faculty cannot link any evaluation with a specific student. In addition, it is College policy that instructors do not access course evaluations until after grades are submitted.

Your evaluations are vital for the progress of the college and we hope you take the time to provide your feedback. Your ideas matter but only if we know about them!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the AEFIS Team at
Thank you!

Provost’s Office
University of Wisconsin – Madison

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