If you haven’t done last week’s reading on Perception, you might want to do that first.
In class for the week of November 30-December 4th, we’ll be learning about photo-realistic (or at least high-quality) rendering. For the readings, we’ll be learning about one of the methods that is often used with high-quality rendering: Ray-Tracing. We’ll read about Ray Tracing since we have good readings for it in the textbook. But you should know that it is not the only way to produce high-quality image – in fact, it doesn’t necessarily produce better images than other methods. It just provides a useful building block for making good renderers.
There will be a quiz on Canvas [link]. But given that it’s Thanksgiving weekend, you’ll get some extra time to complete it (it is due Wednesday Dec 2nd). The Quiz will mainly ask about perception and color topics.
The readings:
Chapter 4 (canvas link) – Ray Tracing – from Foundations of Computer Graphics (Shirley et al) – This Chapter will not only present ray tracing, but review some of the things we used with primitive-based rendering as well (shading, perspective, …)
Chapter 13 (canvas link) – More Ray Tracing – from Foundations of Computer Graphics (Shirley et al) – This Chapter will tell you about how we use ray tracing to get more shading effects (like reflections), as well as to introduce some of the advanced ray tracing topics (like distribution).
Both Chapters and available in Canvas.