Due: Monday, 11/23. (we’ll talk about perception stuff in class)
Evaluation: There will be a quiz on canvas (coming soon). It will focus on material related to the previous reading (Reading 11 on Curves and Surfaces) – there may be some perception questions, but there will be more next week.
Readings: If you haven’t read the curves and surfaces reading, now might be a chance to “read behind” the lectures.
For perception, the required reading is Chapter 22 (Visual Perception) of Foundations of Computer Graphics (on canvas). This is a nice discussion of the topic overall, but it doesn’t say too much about color. In class, we’ll talk mainly about color.
Normally, we’d spend at least a week on color, but this year, we’ll rush through it. If you want to learn more about color, you can see the readings I gave last semester (in 638/838).