
Tutorials these are written “documents” that were originally created for my class, or that don’t have the stylized form of the Snacks. They tend to be longer.

Tutorial 1: What Is Visualization and How do We Do It?

in Tutorials

This gives you a sense of my thoughts on what Visualization is, and how we best go about creating them. By defining visualization in a clear and operational manner, we can better organize our thinking about what it means to do visualization well (which is our goal), how we should go about doing it, and what we need to learn to do it.

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Tutorial 4: Critique

in Tutorials

Critique is the practice of examining something carefully to understand it and learn, often in a “discussion” format. Critique is a key tool in learning about Vis, and in improving design (for Vis, and in general). It is also a generally useful skill that can be learned with practice.

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