Reading Assignment 1: Getting Started
- Munzner Preface
- Few Data Visualization for Human Perception
- Course Web Page
Reading Assignment 2: Perspectives on Visualization
- Munzner chapter 1
- Tufte “Graphical Excellence”
- Tufte bio
- Classifications of visualizations (CH1 of Illinsky and Steele)
- Blog posts
Reading Assignment 3: Why Visualization?
- Ware Chapter 9
- Chapter 2 of Visual Explanations (Tufte, Historical)
- First 17 pages of “Using Visualization to Think”
- Optional: Casual Vis
Reading Assignment 4: Data and Task Abstraction
- Munzner 2
- Munzner 3
Reading Assignment 5: Think Differently!
- Agarwalla and Stolte Route Maps
- (optional) Weird maps
- (optional) Destination maps
- Tour through the zoo
- D3 examples page
Reading Assignment 6: Evaluation: How do we know it’s any good?
- Munzner 4 (optional paper)
- Tufte “Fundamental Principles”
- Bateman chart junk (future: replace with Borkin)
- North Insight
Reading 7: Design School in a Day
- Williams
- 2012 had more
Reading 8: Perception 101
- Ware 1 and 2
- Healy and Enns (really Healy web survey)
- (Optional) Franconeri survey
- (Optional) Our survey
- ??? Cleveland and MgGill
Reading 9: Encodings (1)
- Munzner 5 (see 10 below)
838-Only Assignment 2: Original Sources
- Munzner Typology
- Design space of tasks
- Eyes have it
- Amar and Stasko
- Borkin as Anti-Tufte
Reading and Discussion 10: Color 1
Reading 11: Color 2
- Maureen class
- Ware 4
- Munzner 10 (more than color – could go with encoding)
- (optional) Psych Textbook or Cartography Textbook
- (optional) Color as 3 numbers
- (optional) Poynton FAQ
- Brewer (experimenting required)
- Rainbow considered harmful
- Expert choices (Stone)
- (optional) Ware color sequences
- (optional) Borkin arteries (required later)
- Tufte EI 5
- 3 part smashing tutorial on color
Reading and Discussion 12&13: Encodings and Layout
- Cleveland and McGill short
- Cleveland and McGill long
- Heer and Bostock Crowsourcing
- Munzner 7 Arrange
- Munzer 8 Arrange spatial
- Ware 3 (structuring space)
- Tufte EI 3 (layering and separation)
Readings 14&15, Discussion 14: Graphs and Networks
- Munzner 9
- Herman and Melancon
- von Landesberger
- Munzner video
- Hierarchical edge bundles
- Dwyer constraint-based layout
- Purchase – aesthetics of graphs
- Ware- measuring graph aesthetics
Reading 16&17, Discussion 17: Bi-Variate, Multi-Variate
- Ware textons
- Trumbo bi-variate color
- Miller attribute blocks
- Color Weaving
- Pixel-oriented techniques
- 30 years of multi-variate
- high dimensional survey from 2001
- Scatterdice video
- Parallel coords
- (optional) flexible axes
Readings 18&19, Discussion 18: Interaction
- Heer and Schneiderman
- Munzner 11 and 12
Reading 20: Too Much Stuff
- Ellis and Dix
- Elmqvist and Fekete (hierarchy survey)
- Splatterplots
Reading and Discussion 21: Uncertainty
- Boukhelifa, N., & Duke, D. J. (2009). Uncertainty visualization: why might it fail?
- (optional) . Ken Brodlie, Osorio, R. A., & Lopes, A. (2012). Expanding the Frontiers of Visual Analytics and Visualization
- Visual Semiotics & Uncertainty Visualization
- Sketchy Rendering for Information Visualization.
- Error Bars Considered Harmful: Exploring Alternate Encodings for Mean and Error.
- alludes to implicit uncertainty paper
- Cumming, G., & Finch, S. (n.d.). Inference by eye:
Reading 22A: 3D (not D3)
- Ware 5
- Todd visual perceiption of shape
- handbook of illustration
- gooch npr
- cipriano stylized molecules
- (optional) light collages
- (optional) suggestive contours (and notes)
Reading 22B: D3 (not 3D)
- D3 paper
- D3 web
- (optional) protovis paper
Reading 23: Videos
- volume rendering chapter
- animated transitions
- (need to have the steve response)
- rosling video
- animated transitions video