Project 3

October 21, 2011

The 2011 679 Game Project This is the main “overview” page The goal of this project is to produce a game by working in a team of 4 people. What game you create is up to your team, but is subject to some Rules. All parts of the project will contribute towards your grade (including […]

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Project 3 Plans

October 21, 2011

With all of the proposals discussed, and the critiques available, teams can choose to build any of the games proposed (each team must pick one of the proposals). A team is welcomed to build a proposal even if they weren’t the ones to propose it. Each team will prepare a written document describing the game […]

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Project 3: Rules

October 21, 2011

These rules are meant to be common sense – not tricks to limit you. They are the same as the rules as in previous years. Technically, you have about an extra week for implementation. Note: some of these requirements make more sense when you understand how the project will be evaluated when the project is […]

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Project 3: Proposals

October 21, 2011

Due Wednesday, 11/2 before class. Note: this deadline is important since you need to post your proposal early enough that other people can look at it. Also, note that you’ll have to give a 3-5 minute “pitch” in class. What is it? Basically, you will come up for an idea for a game to build […]

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Lecture 10-19-11: Advanced Shading

October 19, 2011

Most of the class was spent on a discussion of the Javascript object model. No notes, but I strongly recommend this: For a good handle at making sense of the it. There was also the beginnings of a conversation of what kinds of graphics programming go into games, and a sense of what kinds […]

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Project2: update: Milestone 3, 4 and Final

October 18, 2011

Some instructions on the last phases of Project 2 Milestone 3: Show and Tell. Friday Oct 21: we’ll meet in a lab session. At least one member of each group must be there. You’ll need to show the Professor what your progress is, and give some idea as to how things are going, and what […]

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Lecture 10-17-11: Deadlines, Source Control, Shading

October 17, 2011

Most of the class was taken with a discussion of the class schedule, some discussion of source control, and some discussion of anti-aliasing in shaders. There are no meaningful lecture notes.

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Lecture 10-17-11: DVCS, Shading, Noise, Anti-Aliasing, …

October 17, 2011

GLSL Notes (with Anti-Aliased Stripe) Perlin Noise Resources from prior years: Advanced Lighting (see end) Image-Based Approximation

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Lecture 10-12-11: HCI

October 13, 2011

10-12-11-HCI Reading 4 (from DOET) was for today. Notes from 2007 Notes from 2008

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Interpreting Project 1 Feedback

October 10, 2011

You should be getting Project 1 feedback by email soon. Note: in some cases, we couldn’t decide if your grade should be an A or an AB, so we marked down both grades. We’ll try to make the final decisions when we’re in a generous mood. The parts that you get: A subjective grade (this […]

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