Interpreting Project 1 Feedback

by Mike Gleicher on October 10, 2011

You should be getting Project 1 feedback by email soon.

Note: in some cases, we couldn’t decide if your grade should be an A or an AB, so we marked down both grades. We’ll try to make the final decisions when we’re in a generous mood.

The parts that you get:

  • A subjective grade (this is the letter grade)
  • Mike’s subjective feedback
  • Objective checkmarks (we did not provide any feedback on the reflections here, only noting whether or not you did them)
  • Scores/Comments from David. David’s feedback focuses on the game aspects, which wasn’t necessarily the focus of this project. The 3 numbers can be interpretted as “qualitative assessment of flocking,’” “assessment of game idea,” and “extra game features” (like art).


Tessa October 12, 2011 at 4:35 am

David’s scores – what is the highest possible number? (just three numbers doesn’t tell me much yet…)

gleicher October 12, 2011 at 2:48 pm

Good point! David gave 3 numbers from 0-3. Although (I believe) it is a rough, qualitative judgement.

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