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CS 559 Spring 2019 Course Web

Course web for the Spring 2019 Computer Graphics Class

Clarification on Bonus Points

From the Policy Page:

If you collect enough bonus points over the course of the semester, you can get a 1/2 grade raise (AB to A). So, if you have a “B” for the workbooks, you can’t get an A no matter how many bonus points you get. You can use bonus points to get from a B to an AB, or a BC to a B, etc.

On each workbook, you get a score 0-3.5 (F to AB). At the end of the semester, we will take the average (dropping low scores).

On each workbook, you can earn “bonus points”. We count these up over the course of the semester. If you get “enough” we add .5 (e.g. AB to A) to your workbook grade. We don’t change individual grades: we just adjust at the end.

“Enough” is admittedly still hazy. We haven’t worked out the problem that some bonus points are worth more than others (since they may be harder).

Note that the bonus points raise your workbook grade. So, if you get a B average for the workbooks, and enough bonus points, your workbook grade is AB, and this is then averaged with the exams to figure your final grade. Doing the math, 65% AB and 35% A (if you got an A on the exams) is close to the borderline. We’ll look at borderline cases closely.

Workbook 2 due!

Don’t forget… the “drop dead” date for Workbook 2 is Monday, February 11th.

Unlike with Workbook 1, we will be taking deadlines seriously for now on.

Remember: you both need to push your work to GitHub as well as to put your GitHub ID into Canvas.

As of the deadline, many people have not put something into Canvas. It seems that many students have at least started the assignment (at least created a repo on Github Classroom).

The Week in CS559: Week 4 (Feb 11-15)

Week 4 ( Mon, Feb 11 – Fri, Feb 15): Transformation Math (in 2D)

Mon, Feb 11: Workbook 03: Coordinate Systems and Hierarchy assigned
Tue, Feb 12: Lecture: Linear Transformations
Thu, Feb 14: Lecture: Shapes in 2D
Fri, Feb 15: Workbook 03: Coordinate Systems and Hierarchy due

Last week, we discussed transformations and coordinate systems. This week, we’ll look more closely at how they are implemented. The APIs (like Canvas) take care of a lot for you, but understanding the math will let you use things better and prepare you for more complex transformations when we get to 3D.

Then we’ll move on to talk about shapes in 2D. We’ll get beyond straight edges (lines and polygons) and see how to do curves.

As always, there’s a workbook – but it seems that people are getting the hang of those.

Slides before Lectures

Several Students have asked about getting the slides before lectures.

I will try to do this. One catch: I’m not always sure ahead of time what slides I am going to use in class! Also, there isn’t one file per class (that’s done afterwards) – instead there are smaller pieces that get put together as we go.


I have created a “folder” on Canvas called “Lecture Preview“. I will put files into that directory. There will probably be files for at least the next lecture or two in the directory. These may get updated before class. I will try to remember to delete them after class (when I post the “after class” versions). They should be in roughly the same order we go through them in class.

Right now, if you look in you will see “04-canvas-marp.pdf” (which is where we’ll start on Tuesday), and a sequence of t01, t02, t03 which have the things we’ll do next. (I expect we’ll get through some of these on Tuesday and the rest on Thursday).

The Week in CS559: Week 3 (Feb 4-Feb 8)

Last week, we had snow and cold – which threw off the schedule. This week we’ll get back on track.

Week 3 ( Mon, Feb 4 – Fri, Feb 8): Coordinate Systems, Transformations, and Hierarchy

Mon, Feb 4: Workbook 02: Two APIs (Web Graphics Basics) assigned
Tue, Feb 5: Lecture: Canvas and Drawing
Thu, Feb 7: Lecture: Coordinate Systems and Hierarchy
Fri, Feb 8: Workbook 02: Two APIs (Web Graphics Basics) due

Since we didn’t get to do Workbook 2 last week, we’ll do it this week instead. Tuesday’s lecture should help.

On Tuesday, we’ll talk about drawing with Canvas and use that as a way to look at more JavaScript programming concepts. On Thursday, we’ll talk about coordinate systems, transformations and hierarchy – key computer graphics concepts.

On Friday, workbook 2 is due. Having a week without a workbook probably won’t happen again.