You may not have noticed this, but if you are in the course canvas directory, and look under files, you will see all the books we are using in class, and have access to all (or most) of the chapters in one convenient place. Some of the things that are there (because the names aren’t […]
A few examples on texturing from the Tuesday Oct 20th lecture: Starting point … a pyramid drawn as explicit triangles [JSBin] Same pyramid drawn using indexed vertex lists [JSBin] Cube with flat-shaded faces, drawn using indexed vertex lists [JSBin] Cube with procedural texture [JSBin] Cube with checkerboard texture, mipmap [JSBin] A different texture, combined with […]
You may have noticed, designing 3D object is a pain if you have to type in every single vertex position. We want you to do this once or twice, so you can see how hard it is. After that, it grows old. And you realize that to make a fancy object what you’ll really do […]
Getting image-based textures to work in GL is tricky – there’s the conceptual part (getting the texture coordinates, undertanding sampling, how to have you shaders access texture memory, …) and the mechanical part (how to feed texture coordinates as attributes, how to set up the shaders and get them access to textures, setting all the […]
This past week, we learned about lighting and texturing. And you got to try out WebGL programming. Next week, we’ll dive deeper into lighting and texturing to look at some of the more practical aspects of actually writing the code to do it. You’ll start to work on project 2 (with programming assignment 7). And […]
Hi Students Looks like the old handin mechanism of uploading stuff to canvas is not working in a scalable and efficient way. So we have already devised a new handin mechanism. You might be aware of the CS ecosystem maintained by the CSL. All files are kept in a distributed manner on top of the […]
I just came across two very useful references for debugging JavaScript and using HTML5 canvas. They are very short and will require not more than a few minutes to go through.
At least one person asked on Piazza… There is this problem of how to put your GLSL code into your WebGL program. The browser deals nicely with JavaScript and HTML, but now we have this third thing, and we need a place to put it. Unfortunately, there are 3 bad options. (option 3, is the […]
We will have a help session for class on Thursday, October 15th, 10:15-10:45, right in BioChem 1120 before class. (we’re saying 10:15-10:45 so we can have a little break before class, and while people come in for class, but we can keep going until class starts if there is enough interest). It’s an odd time […]
I will start grading programming assignments 3 and 4 at 6 pm on Sunday 10/11. Make sure your latest edits are checked in before that.