We’re getting to the end… so much graphics, so little time.
Last week, you learned about ray tracing. If you haven’t done the reading, now is a time to catch up on it. There is also a quiz, and you have until when classes end to complete it.
This week, we’ll learn about image-based graphics. It’s a big topic, so we’ll only get to talk about some of the foundations – with a focus on some practical stuff you will want to know for the upcoming programming assignment.
Reading assignment: Reading 14 – it’s OK if you “read behind” the lectures – the lectures will (hopefully) give you a practical perspective, and the readings will fill in some of the theory. A quiz will be announced after the lectures – but it’s mainly to help you prepare for the exam.
Programming assignment: Program 14 will be assigned after Tuesday’s lecture. That doesn’t give you much time to do it before Thursday – but that’s OK since we’ll accept it until the last day of classes (12/16) without penalty.