Whoops – this update is going out a little late. While reading 12 (and quiz 12) are due tomorrow, it’s OK to “read behind” the lecture. The quiz is actually on last week’s reading so you can just do it now.
Last week, we wrapped up talking about curves and talked about surfaces in class. You also began the train project (hopefully completing Assignment 11).
This coming week is a short week – it’s Thanksgiving. We have only one lecture, and no programming assignment (but there is a quiz).
- You should read Reading Assignment 12 (Perception). The Quiz will actually be about curves and surfaces (Assignment 12 Quiz). This is due on Monday 11/23, but since we forgot to send out this reminder, we’ll be a little lenient on this (but do it soon!). Since the quiz is about material you read over the past 2 weeks, you should be OK.
- Lecture on Tuesday 11/24 will be about perception, but will focus on color. Unless you plan on doing a bunch of the optional readings, you’ll want to pay attention since color is important.
- There is no programming assignment this week, but Programming Assignment 13 is do the following week. Make sure you have a running head start.
After Thanksgiving, we’ll switch gears a little bit and talk about photo-realistic rendering and ray tracing. And then image processing. And then the semester is over. Wow – it goes fast.