OK. This posting is being made a little late – Thanksgiving threw things off a little bit. This week, we will: Review color and perception – the reading quiz is actually about last week’s reading (and lecture). We understand if you do this a little late (this reminder is happening after the deadline). But don’t […]
November 2015
If you haven’t done last week’s reading on Perception, you might want to do that first. In class for the week of November 30-December 4th, we’ll be learning about photo-realistic (or at least high-quality) rendering. For the readings, we’ll be learning about one of the methods that is often used with high-quality rendering: Ray-Tracing. We’ll […]
On Wednesday 11/25, Prof. Sifakis will be covering the 11am office hour. Prof. Gleicher will be around in the afternoon (2:30-3:30 is the best time). On Wednesday 12/2, neither Professor will hold office hours. The TA will hold his office hours at the regular time.
Whoops – this update is going out a little late. While reading 12 (and quiz 12) are due tomorrow, it’s OK to “read behind” the lecture. The quiz is actually on last week’s reading so you can just do it now. Last week, we wrapped up talking about curves and talked about surfaces in class. […]
Lecture notes for the November 19th Lecture on Surfaces. 22-Surfaces (PDF)
If you like computer graphics… You might be wondering about what else you can do around the University to learn more. Unfortunately, there aren’t any advanced graphics classes schedules in the short term. The Advanced Graphics class will not be offered again this year (it will probably be offered next Spring), the Data Visualization course […]
Lecture notes for Lecture 19 (Curves – including Bezier forms) 19-Curves (PDF)
Lecture notes for the November 3rd lecture on Shape. 18-Shape (PDF)
Due: Monday, 11/23. (we’ll talk about perception stuff in class) Evaluation: There will be a quiz on canvas (coming soon). It will focus on material related to the previous reading (Reading 11 on Curves and Surfaces) – there may be some perception questions, but there will be more next week. Readings: If you haven’t read […]
We’ll do another pre-class help session on Thursday, 11/19 at 10:15am. Hopefully, everyone will have started with the train project, so that we’ll have plenty of questions. If no one has questions, then it will be short.