In addition to the regular readings, we’ll write some things to explain concepts, as well as to introduce some of the tools we’ll use for assignments.
- Topics Covered (aka Final Study Guide)
- Old Tutorial on Anti-Aliasing Procedural Textures
- Video Tutorial: Blending Functions
- Topics covered (aka Mid-Term Study Guide)
- Video Tutorial: Arc Length Parameterization
- C++ Tutorial Help: Understanding FlTk Callbacks
- Intro to FLTK and GLM
- Video Demonstration of the de Castlejau Algorithm
- Video Help: Projections
- SVG6: Paths and Beziers
- Getting Started with Visual Studio and C++
- SVG5: More Transforms and Composition
- SVG4: Groups, Transforms, Re-Use, and Hierarchies
- SVG3: Manipulating Primitives
- SVG:2 Coordinate Systems
- Graphics History and the Red Book
- SVG:1 – Getting started with SVG
- Some initial practical answers to harder questions
- What is a Pixel? (and what is a point sample)
- Image-based graphics vs. Object-based graphics
- Points, Vectors and Coordinate Systems (why are points and vectors different?)
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