We are going to grade Project 2 without in-person demos. We’ll read your description, run your program, and try to figure out what is going on.
One problem with this approach is that if there is something cool in your program that isn’t easy to see, we might miss it. We’ll try to guard against this: your documentation will tell us the “do not miss” sights in your town, and the framework code gives ways to make it easy to see important sights (by have the “goto sights” widget – which you should used!). However, we still might miss things.
So… If you have something in your town that is really cool and you want to make sure we don’t miss it, and it is done “on time” (see the deadline) so its ready to show off, please bring your project to class (either on your laptop, or on a memory stick to run on Adam’s laptop) on Thursday, December 11th. We’ll let people show off their cool “do not miss” features. We may not have time for everyone, but we can hopefully look at a bunch.
Note: you don’t have to turn in your project at this time. Just take 1-2 minutes to show us (and the class) a few cool features of it. We’ll also let people show off features after class as well.
(and this is a reminder: bring your laptop or tablet or smartphone to class on Thursday, December 11th to do course evals, unless you’ve done them already)