Reading 17: Sequence Visualization

by Mike Gleicher on March 30, 2012

For Monday, April 9th

As a “review” of all (well, many) of the concepts that we covered in the first part of the class, we’ll consider some case studies of a specific application: genetic sequence alignment visualization. These papers are nice because they apply a lot of the concepts to an important problem.

The readings are:

  • Albers, Dewey and Gleicher. Sequence Surveyor: Scalable Multiple Sequence Alignment Overview Visualization. InfoVis 2011. (paper page here)
  • Meyer, M, T Munzner, and H Pfister. “MizBee: A Multiscale Synteny Browser.” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15, no. 6 (2009): 897–904 (author’s version).

On the Piazza page, comment on these readings.

The question of how these might connect to what we’ve learned so far is the subject of an assignment.

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