Some last minute Project 1 Details

by Mike Gleicher on March 30, 2012

We never gave much feedback on the hand-in plan, so there might be some confusion. But…

Trying to clarify what came up:

  • The deadline is today (Friday, March 30th). Anytime. If its Saturday, its not Friday.
  • The extended deadline is “until Monday, April 9th.” That means if it is Monday, it’s late. So you need to turn it in on (or before) Sunday, April 8th.
  • For the written parts of you project (this might be everything, but it should include the reading list as a separate document. If you are doing a survey project, there may be 3 documents: a reading list, an annotated bibliography, and the survey) – please provide us with PDFs! If you send me some other format (even .docx or .odt), we may have trouble dealing with them. If they are small (less than 1-2 megabytes, you can email them, otherwise, put them someplace and send us a link).
  • The instructions say there will be a self-evaluation. I haven’t given you the instructions for this, so they aren’t due yet. They will be due after break.
  • Any email you send should be sent to both Michael (the TA) and I.
  • If you have an implementation project: please send us a link to a file containing all the code. Also, if it’s a web-based thing, send us a link where we can try it out. We may not be able to make your stuff work (so if you don’t have a web-based version, we may not be able to try it). In this case, we will contact you and schedule a time for a live demo after the break.
  • Because we may not be able to run your system, and because reading the code doesn’t always work out, make sure that your writeup fully describes the system to give an idea of what we would see, if we were running it. This is less important if your thing runs on the web (so we can try it). In the writeup, be sure to give us a sense of what tools got used.

If you have any other questions, send email.

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