Phase 1 features
- Read in BVH and AMC, tested on sample files from internet, CMU-database, and p/graphics.
- Multiple motions at once, each motion is loaded in from a file and a scrubber bar lets you choose when they start to play
- Motion splicing (without blending), choose file 1 and file 2 then hit splice. Motion 2 is concatenated to Motion 1 at the point motion 2 is specified to begin. Root alignment was tested by splicing two files and then watching the behavior to see if it made sense, this was done with several different motion files to ensure the alignment worked.
- Constraint specification and visualization joint, time, and height are specified and then the constraint appears
- Write out motions to a file (save file button)
- Interpolate Between Poses (no GUI available at this point)
- Motion Scrubbing, play/pause