by Mike Gleicher on January 4, 2011
in News
I think that each group has something worth showing to the world, so I am making the handin directory be web accessible. If you don’t want the world to see it, you can restrict access to the directory.
A handin directory has been created on afs at:
Each person in class should have write permission in this directory. You can see this directory on the web at:
For each group: please make a subdirectory in this directory, and put all your stuff in it. Please make sure there is a README file.
If there is a web document, please make it be the “index.htm” document, so that people visiting the directory via the web see it. Ideally, there will be an index page explaining to whoever visits what they can find.
If you don’t want people to see your work (other than me), you can add a “.htaccess” file that limits access to the directory:
AuthType CSLid
require valid-user
means only authenticated CS users can see stuff.
As always, I will want you to do a self-evaluation since I think this forced reflection really does help the lessons sink in. For all groups, this is do by noon on Friday, May 13th. You can do it by sending me email.
Please comment on:
- Your overall assessment of your work. How did things turn out? Are you happy with it?
- Specific thoughts on what went right and wrong.
- Advice to others in the future who might want to do a project on a similar topic.
- What did you learn?
- If you worked as part of a team, say something about how that worked out, and what the roles of the team members were.
- Anything else you want to comment on.
We will do final project demos/presentations from 9:45am – noon (ish – we might not really finish on time) on Wednesday, May 11th. We’ll be in room 4310 CS (one floor above 3310 where we normally meet).
We’ll start at 9:45. Each group will get 10 minutes to talk/show off stuff. 5 minutes for questions and group switching. If everything goes according to plan, its 2 hours – add in 15 minutes of break in the middle, and we’re done at noon. In practice, we might shorten the break, and go a little longer since people may not really finish in 10 minutes.
I will give specific details of other expectations to each group by email later today.