On Monday, we talked about motion capture, but didn’t quite get to motion processing.
On Wednesday (2/9 – in 3310CS) we will talk about motion processing and motion signal processing. (Reading 5) There are no required readings for this, so we’ll mainly go with what’s discussed in class. If you look on the Motion Capture Readings entry, you’ll see several motion signal processing things. You might want to look at them, or refer to them after the talk.
On Friday (2/11 – location to be determined depending on how Wednesday goes), we’ll talk about inverse kinematics and motion editing (Reading 6 – its a big one). I haven’t yet decided what the readings will be or how we’ll work them. There will be a project checkpoint (details).
On Monday (2/14 – location TBD), we’ll talk about the motion synthesis basics. The readings will be some of the “older” things. (Reading 7)
On Wednesday (2/16) – we’ll talk about some alternative ways to deal with motion data than the typical skeletal representations. (Reading 8)
On Friday (2/18) – we won’t have a lecture, but I will meet with each project group to check in on how things are going. There will be a written project checkpoint (details coming soon).