Programmable Motion Effects (assigned)

by Daniel on January 23, 2011

in Assignment 1

1. Sentence:
“In our work, we experiment with motion depiction as a first-class entity within the rendering process.” (abstract)

2. Problem:
Unlike motion in 2d drawings and hand drawn animation, computer animation is less flexible in the way that motion is depicted. For computer animation, usually a constant time interval blurring between two positions is used, while techniques such as “speed lines” and “multiple stroboscopic images” (where you see a trail of images that occurred a little earlier) from 2d drawings are not used even if they might work well.

3. Key Idea:
Make flexible the time interval that affects the look of motion. For example: larger, longer motions may require more obvious motion like larger “speed lines” rather than just having some blurring last longer.

4.a. What the paper does:
Provides way for showing different motion techniques such as speed lines and ways to give more flexibility over showing motion.

4.b. What it could be used for:
It could be used for creating more expressive motion in animation and also for cases where blurring an image during motion would cause details to be lost that you want to remain visible. Blurring can be largely avoided with some of these techniques.

5. Resources:

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