Optimal Feedback Control for Character Animation Using an Abstract Model

by David on January 23, 2011

in Assignment 1

1. Sentence: This paper describes an optimal feedback controller for motion tracking that allows for on-the-fly re-planning of long-term goals and adjustments in the final completion time.

2. Problem: Motion capture data is hard to adjust for varying environments and conditions.

3. Key Idea: Formulate motion tracking as an optimal control problem, allowing greater flexibility.

4.a What the paper does: Performs an offline transformation of the original motion data into forces and momenta, then uses a feedback control policy to do an online adjustment based on external forces and environmental changes

4.b. What it could be used for: Simulating complex motions (walking around or over debris) from simple motion capture data (walking along a flat surface)

5. Resources: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~yuting/SIG10_files/demo.divx

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