1. Sentence:
“In this work, we propose a method to leverage the talent of traditionally trained hand animators to create three-dimensional animation of human motion, while allowing them to work in the medium that is familiar to them.” (abstract)
2. Problem:
2D animators are not necessarily good at using 3d animation software, so being able to convert between drawings and 3D motion would be useful. Secondly, previous tools that have tried to do this have been based strictly on accuracy of the conversion and not the “expression” that is present in the 2d images, which sometimes doesn’t conform to physically accurate drawings.
3. Key Idea:
Translate 2d drawings to 3d and base it more on “style” of motion than physical accuracy of the translation.
4.a. What the paper does:
Provides a way to convert 2d drawings into points on a 3d model for computer animation.
4.b. What it could be used for:
The main goal of the paper is converting 2d animation drawings into computer animation, which could allow 2D animators to work on computer animation without needing to use animation software.
5. Resources:
video, presentation, additional material, demo code