1. Sentence: Our key insight is to use motion capture data as a source of domain knowledge and ‘lift’ the two-dimensional animation to three dimensions, while maintaining the unique style of the input animation . (5th sentence, first paragraph)
2. Problem: There is a large amount of talent in the 2D animation field and it would be nice to let them work as 2D animators and extract the 2D animation into a 3D model.
3. Key Idea: Use motion capture data as domain knowledge to reconstruct a 3D representation of a 2D drawing.
4.a What the paper does: Provides a method for leveraging 2D animators talents in the realm of computer generated film.
4.b What could it be used for: Producing movies that have a 2D feel and giving 2D artists jobs.
5. Resources: Web site (http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/projects/lifting2d3d/) Paper, video, power point slides, additional experimental data.