The paper cannot be opened from the authors website, and can be accessed using an on-campus machine here.
1. “We introduce a system for editing animation data that is particularly well suited to making stylistic changes, for example, to reflect a character’s changing mood, differentiate one character from another or meet the precise desires of an animator.” (second and third sentences, abstract)
2. Animation data, from motion capture or other sources, is becoming increasingly available and provides high quality motion, but is difficult to customize for the needs of a particular application. This is especially true when stylistic changes are needed.
3. “Our system operates by transforming the input joint angle motion representation to a set of key parameters, known as motion drives, that are more related to the expressive impact of the motion, such as the center of mass, ankle and wrist positions, and pelvic orientation. They in turn can be used to drive correlations that will control the shaping of other parts of the body.”
4.a Enables an animator to make stylistic changes to a character’s animation, as shown with a skeleton whose neutral walking motion is transformed to a runway walk, sneaky walk, and limp.
4.b The paper offers two applications: offline editing, where a piece of animation does not meet the exact needs for a scene and must be adjusted, and online editing, where an automated system in a game or virtual environment must change a character’s movement to reflect his changing circumstances or internal state.
5. A conference video and other supplemental material exist, but cannot be opened/downloaded from the author’s website.