Fast and Efficient Skinning of Animated Meshes (assigned)

by Subhadip Ghosh on January 23, 2011

in Assignment 1

1. Sentence: We introduce a technique that produces quite accurate skinning decompositions with low bone counts (1st sentence, 5th paragraph Introduction)

2. Problem: Skinning methods typically perform well only for a certain class of input sequences and often require long pre-processing times.

3. Key Idea: Use an algorithm based on iterative coordinate descent optimization which handles arbitrary animations and produces more accurate approximations than previous Skinning techniques, while using only standard linear skinning without any modifications or extensions

4a. What the paper does: Implements a way to quickly construct (improves over previous methods by a magnitude of order one or two) high quality skinned approximations of arbitrary mesh animations.

4b. What it could be used for: Animation of highly deformable objects, such as cloth can be done efficiently without any corrective techniques or excessive pre-processing.

5. Resources: Video on paper’s web-page

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