Example-Based Wrinkle Synthesis for Clothing Animation

by Nathan Mitchell on January 23, 2011 · 1 comment

in Assignment 1

Assigned Paper: Found on authors website here

  1. Sentence:  In this paper, we propose a fast clothing animation system that combines synthesized fine wrinkle details with coarse cloth dynamics.
  2. Problem:  Traditional cloth simulation has difficulties working with clothing that is continually in close contact with other objects. Instead simulate the coarse grain aspects of the cloth and apply the fine details later in post processing.
  3. Key Idea:  Fine wrinkles in cloth are mostly aesthetic and can be constructed from databases of precomputed cloth simulations. The larger, coarse details can then be simulated in real time and have the wrinkles applied afterwards.
  4. Application:  Demonstrated animations of human figures wearing close fitting clothing moving in a variety of motions. Compared the differences between the results when only wrinkles, only coarse details, and when both were used together.
  5. Usefulness:  Besides clothing, this technique may have more general usefulness in any situation where a flexible material must be layered onto a more rigid structure. In particular, a variation may be useful in simulating wrinkled skin on an animal or person.
  6. Other Materials:  Two videos ( 1 and 2 ) and a slides found on author’s website

{ 1 comment }

Nathan Mitchell January 24, 2011 at 1:38 am

As I forgot to mention in the post and as I can’t seem to edit the post, this article was assigned to me.

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