Animating non humanoid characters with human motion data

by Jim Hill on January 23, 2011

in Assignment 1

1. Sentence: This paper presents a method for generating whole-body skeletal animations of non-humanoid characters from human motion capture data (1st sentence 1st paragraph)

2. Problem: Animating non human characters is difficult to do with motion capture data, find a way to use motion capture data to help build good animations.

3. Key Idea: Take motion capture data using a human, have an animator correlate certain poses to key frames, use statistical methods to fill in the gaps..

4.a What the paper does: Provides a method for using motion capture data to quickly animate a character that has a different proportion and topology to the human actor.

4.b What it could be used for: Making a lamp or animal dance

5. Resources: Listed on the CM website ( nothing listed in the links section.

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