1. Sentence: This paper seeks to bring 2D vector art drawings into 3D by simulating rotations with plausible renderings from any viewpoint.
2. Problem: In order to have cartoons in a 3D environment, up to now, a 3D model needed to be constructed and rendered in an NPR-fashion. This requirement limits stylistic (aesthetic and animated) elements and can be more time-consuming to generate.
3. Key Idea: Translate stroke position based on inferred 3D positions while interpolating stroke shape in 2D.
4. Basic Info: Automatically determine the Z-ordering for each stroke using artist renderings of different viewpoints. Each individual stroke is its own billboard. The stroke shape is defined for certain ‘key views’ (usually only Top, Bottom, Front, Back, and Sides are needed). The Z-order is determined for each billboard and the stroke shape is interpolated between the renderings based upon the current rotation around an anchor axis.
5. Contribution: This technique widens the range of what is artistically realizable using CG. Certain styles, which may not have been possible using current graphics tools, might be feasible now; the authors mention 2D animation techniques as one example. Also, the ease of development will allow a wider audience to create 3D, such as artists who specialize in 2D (and don’t have background in 3D graphics). Although the app isn’t without flaws (some stroke shapes don’t interpolate correctly, as seen in the video), given time, this could lead to some ridiculously cool graphics.
6. Resources: