2.5D Cartoon Models

by raja on January 23, 2011

in Assignment 1

2.5D Cartoon Models (my choice)

We show how 2D vector art drawings of a cartoon from different views can be used to generate a novel structure, the 2.5D cartoon model, which can be used to simulate 3D rotations and generate plausible renderings of the cartoon from any view. (3rd line in the Abstract)

Generating a 3D model of a cartoon is time-consuming and many stylistic elements in a 2D drawing cannot be reproduced in a 3D model.

Key Idea
Combination of translating strokes’ positions based on inferred 3D positions while interpolating the strokes’ shapes in 2D

What the paper lets you do
The tool built allows rendering of 3D characters in any angle given top, side and front view 2D drawings of the character; it also allows the artist to fine-tune Z-ordering and visibility of strokes in different views to get the desired result.

What it could be used for
Faster animation development;
More old school cartoonish style 3D characters, rather than NPR-models in movies and games!

Other materials
Project web page, video & slides

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