Part of the way we’ll run the class semester is using this WordPress-based website. Everyone needs to be registered, and over the course of the semester you’ll need to both make postings, as well as comment on other people’s postings.
To make sure that things really work, log into the course website and add a comment to this posting. The first comment you add will need to be moderated. Please do this before 8am on Friday, January 21st (so I can make sure everyone has done it before class).
You will need to create posts for Assignment 1 (which is due next week). But first, you should just make sure you have an account / can post comments.
This seems to be working!!
Assignment 0: Comment
This is the first comment.
Site works for me too!
Testing if this works…
Account made, seems to be working.
I’m here.
Anybody know the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Hello World
And it works..
First! Wait, no. Okay, here’s me being helpful:
On the bottom of the right-side menu is the Administrivia section. For some reason it calls the account settings page “Dashboard”. That’s where you can change your password (58bky#k5WMG$ rolls right off the keyboard) and set your display name to something other than your username.
Happy to be in this class 🙂
Account seems to be working!
Test post
First Testing
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