Last time – how does (computer) animation get produced
Addendum – what doesn’t go into pipeline?
- “film” centric
- what about games/interactive?
- what about physics? effects (smoke, water, …)
A closer look at the hand
- why the hierarchical model?
- pros / cons
- future pointer: non-standard skeletal representations
- single skin (fixed mesh)
- dealing with cracking and deformation
Some history in computer animation
- Rigid motion + Interpolation = flying logos
Reading: Graphics text chapter – get an idea of a smattering of topics
- Principles
- Manual vs. Automatic
- Keyframing
- cue sheets
- splines for interpolation
- parameterization / arc-length / retiming
- rotations
- deformations
- characters as hierarchy
- IK / FK
- Facial animation
- Motion Capture
- Procedural techniques
- Groups of objects / flocking
What kinds of things from graphics should we check in on?
- curves (cubics, arc-length, …)
- transforms
- hierarchies
- signal processing