Last minutes of the Design Challenge 1 Design Phase

by Mike Gleicher on March 15, 2017

The designs for Design Challenge 1 are due in a few hours… A few last minute memos.

If you’ve turned things in already, thank you! You will find out the rewards of being on time.

For everyone: as I mentioned in class, we won’t be doing the in-class critiques tomorrow (we’ll be doing an in-class design exercise). So there’s no need to bring a paper print out of your design.

There was a Piazza question about “late policy” – if you didn’t hear (or actually, even if you did) let me clarify…

We need you to turn things in on time so that we can prepare them to send them out for peer review. So, if you don’t turn things in on time, there will be steep penalties…

  • If you turn things in on time, we will check them and (possibly) give you a chance to correct small procedural mistakes before they go out for grading and peer review.
  • If you turn things in slightly late (within 24 hours or so), we will send them out for peer review (and grading) as is. So you’ll get a penalty for being late, and potentially another penalty for getting things wrong.
  • If you turn things in more than slightly late (after the time we gather the assignments to send then out for peer review), they will not go out for peer review. We will give you a larger penalty. Also, while the peer reviews aren’t used for your grade (the ones you write are, but the ones you receive are just feedback), they can influence your grade (if we don’t like your designs, but the peer reviewers do, then we might reconsider). So you will really lose out by being late.

So, short version: if you’re going to be late, try hard not to be very late. And don’t worry about bringing a copy to class.

And also from Canvas… don’t worry if your “pages” are bigger than a page – as long as the designs are clearly separable.

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