This week, we’ll move on to discuss higher-dimensional visualization. We’ll have a color “seek and find” exercise. And you’ll keep working on your projects. The readings are intentionally light (and the seek and find is hopefully not such a big deal) so that you can really make progress on your projects.
- Monday (March 12) – Reading 13 is due (bi-variate displays) for discussion in class. We’ll actually see some of Colin Ware’s recent research.
- Wednesday (March 14) – Reaching 14 is due (multi-variate displays) for discussion in class. The color seek and find assignment is also due.
- Friday (March 16) – No class, but I will hold an extra office hour during class time (11am-noon). Your Project 1 Progess Update is due. For this, you need to send an email to the professor and TA describing your progress with the project. A short description is fine.