I (the TA) have decided to hold extra office hours on Monday 10/12. It will be in cs 5397 from 2:30 to 5:30. Please don’t hesitate to come. We can have very fruitful discussions.
This past week, we had a look at what it takes to program the graphics pipeline. We look at GLSL code to implement shaders, and JavaScript code using WebGL to send triangles down the pipeline. And hopefully, the loose ends of Programs 3 and 4 are wrapped up. Next week, you’ll get to try out […]
Jyoti has graciously offered to schedule an additional office hour this week to help with assignments. He will be in his office (5397CS) between 5-6pm on Thursday October 8. (warning: the elevators and stairs in CS may be locked after 6pm). Jyoti has been sick today (Thursday) and he is not in a position to […]
The triangle examples from class: (Slides posted soon) One Triangle (JSBin) (simpler version in JSBin) Two Triangles (JSBin) Two Triangles, Different Colors (JSBin) Two Triangles, Different Colors, Spinning (JSBin) Two Triangles, Different Colors, Spinning, TWGL (JSBin) The Shaders From Class (in shdr.bkcore): (Slides posted soon) Yellow (shdr) Yellow Diffuse (shdr) Vertex Colors (shdr) Right side […]
Lecture Notes from the October 1, 2015 Lecture on the Graphics Pipeline. 09-Pipeline (pdf slides)
Last week, we took some time to help people make sure they got the concepts behind P3. This caused some changes in schedule (be sure to read the discussion of how things are changing). We also learned how the graphics hardware works – which wasn’t meant to just be a history lesson. We’ll need to […]
Since we slowed down a bit to make sure that everyone gets P3, a lot of our plans need to change. (this includes reading 5, program 5, program 6, …) P3 and P4 grading: We will grade P3 and P4 together. During grading we will look at both of your assignments together, and see which […]
I have posted more videos from the JavaScript class. These are lecture capture – they may or may not be useful to someone who wasn’t there. I do recommend the readings for the class. (of course, you can ask someone in the class and see if they think the readings are good). Lecture 3: Basics […]
As I’ve mentioned in class, P3 is really important – if you don’t understand what is going on with this, nothing else in class will work for you. So, we want to make sure that everyone gets the ideas in P3. Even if you didn’t get it the first try. Hopefully with the extra time […]
Something that I realized in hearing questions today: there are so many tutorials and other aids that its hard to remember what they all are. Many of them we asked you to read at the beginning before you realized why they were important. Some of them we’ve only recenty fixed the links. There are also […]