
Quiz for reading assignment #2 now available.

by Eftychios Sifakis on September 9, 2015

The quiz associated with Reading Assignment #2 is now available for you [Canvas Link], and will be due Monday September 14th. Remember to review the materials in Reading Assignment #2 before taking the quiz!

Canvas Access and Readings

by Mike Gleicher on September 6, 2015

With the University’s Canvas system, you will be automatically set up if you’re enrolled in the class. You can’t sign up manually. If you’re having a problem enrolling (or getting into Canvas) – it might take a few days after enrolling for things to transfer to Canvas. If you can’t get access to Canvas, don’t […]

The Week in 559: Week 1 Sept 7-11

by Mike Gleicher on September 5, 2015

Our first real week! And it’s a little short because of the holiday Monday. Last week, we had a first lecture with some preliminaries (what is graphics, how does the class work). Hopefully, we’ve worked out most of the administrative issues and everyone is enrolled. This week… We’re diving right in! There’s a reading assignment […]

Website Organization

by Mike Gleicher on September 5, 2015

We want to give you a little “user’s guide” to the course web and Canvas setup since right now it might be a bit confusing. You might notice, that the website and Canvas are a little hard to navigate right now. We apologize. There are two things going on: one is we’re still getting things […]

Changes in CS559

by Mike Gleicher on September 2, 2015

This message was sent to students who were enrolled in CS559 before class began, but the set of people in the class has changed, so not everyone has seen it. This is why we prefer to use this webpage as the primary source for class announcements. Changes in CS559 You are receiving this email because […]

CS559 Course Web

by Mike Gleicher on August 16, 2015

This is the course web for the Fall 2015 edition of CS559. The course web page is the primary mechanism for communicating with the class. Students are responsible for the content on the web page. You can subscribe to announcements by either RSS or an email subscription. You are looking at the News page – […]

CS638 and Javascript

by Mike Gleicher on August 16, 2015

There is a tradition in 559 of making students pick up a new programming language in order to do the assignments for the class. Historically, we have provided a little help (pointers to books, help sessions). This semester we will try to provide another option. We are going to offer a 1 credit class (a […]