
by Mike Gleicher on December 23, 2015

The final exam has been graded, and final grades have been posted.

Some information about it:

Final: The median score was an 82. The mean score was a 79. To map these to letter grades, we first assumed that we made at least one mistake and gave people 3 points. Then it was 90 points for an A, 85 points for an AB, … (so, if you got an 87 or higher you got an A). if you ask us to regrade your exam, we’ll check the whole exam carefully, so you lose those 3 points. This means that half the class got ABs or better. If you want to see your assignment, Prof. Sifakis has them: make an appointment with him.

We gave everybody a few extra points on the midterm too.

Exam Grade: If your final was better than your midterm, it counted for 2/3 of your exam score. If your midterm was better than your final, each counted for half.

Late Penalty: If you were very late more than once, or were very late once and consistently late, we took a small penalty (1/6 of a letter grade) from your project score.

Numerical Grade: If your exam grade was higher than your programming assignment grade, we let it count for 25% of your final grade. If you were better at programming, exams didn’t count. (programming grade factored in lateness).

If you were just below a boundary, we went back to look at your programming assignments. We considered how consistently you did the quizzes. We tried to think of reasons to be generous.

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