Due: Thursday, November 12 (see the class late policy on the Syllabus)
Synopsis: Over the past few weeks you’ve added a lot of stuff to your graphics town project. This time, we just want you to add more coolness.
Learning Objectives: Have a chance to put together all the concepts over the past few weeks in order to make something more substantial.
Handin: You will use the course handin system (put this in your P10 handin directory, and add a writeup in Canvas). Note: even though you’ve turned in previous versions of your programs, you must turn in a complete working program again this time.
Over the past few weeks, you’ve worked on Graphics Town. Each week we’ve asked you to add a specific thing – based on the technology we were learning. You made moving shapes, you added textures, you added fancier textures. Now we aren’t going to be specific about what to add: we just want you to turn your project into something that you think is an interesting world to show off, a coherent whole instead of something showing off specific things you learned.
Over the past few weeks, you’ve checked off the check boxes (shapes, shaders, lighting, textures, …). This time, the evaluation is more holistic: have you created enough complexity, interestingness, made good use of those technical things you learned, made some good artistic choices, …. Yes, this is hazy and fuzzy and subjective.
We will consider the following in evaluation:
- How well do you implement the specific techniques (shapes, shaders, lighting, texture, advanced texturing) beyond the minimums?
- How much complexity and richness is in your world?
- How well do you use the techniques for effective purposes? (did you make interesting stuff out of the techniques)
- How cool and creative is your world? Is there a theme?
- How hard technically was what you did?
Note: doing well in the overall project doesn’t necessarily mean you did well in all the component parts leading up to this. If you didn’t hand in P8 with a texture, having a really complicated world won’t make up for it. However, within P10, the different aspects can be traded off: if it’s really creative, but technically simple, we are OK. If it’s really technically amazing, but there is no theme, that can be OK.
Coming Attractions…
Starting next week, we’ll move on to the next project.