This past week, we learned about transformations and hierarchical modeling. And you got to try out programming it in JavaScript.
This coming week, we’ll start drawing in 3D. You probably saw a simple taste of it in the example, but you’ll see much more.
For Reading 3 (due Monday, September 21), you’ll read about the basic pieces: projection, viewing, visibility. The optional reading will give you another view. In class, we’ll put these pieces together into a pipeline. Note: the quiz will be ready soon.
For Program 3 (due Thursday, September 24), you’ll try implementing the pipeline and do some drawing in 3D yourself. You’ve seen a simple example, and we’ll let you use a matrix library that will create the various transforms for you. So you’ll be ready to do some 3D graphics. Be sure to read the tutorial on the twgl.m4 matrix library and look at the various examples.
The following week, we’ll extend program 3 to draw solid objects. (so you might want to look ahead when writing program 3 to see how to write it in a way that will make program 4 easier). We’ll also start to learn about how the graphics hardware makes drawing fast.