To keep things simple, everything to be turned in is due on Wednesday, central time. Wednesday means Wednesday. Wednesday night is Wednesday, Thursday morning is not.
In general, if its Wednesday, there’s something due. Each week there will be something. In fact, there might be multiple things do. But rather than have it due on different days, we’ll just make everything be on Wednesday. You can always turn things in earlier.
All assignments and projects will be turned in through the course Moodle page.
The exception to the Wednesday rule is interactive readings. Right now, I am not even sure we’ll have them.
Late Policy
If you turn in an assignment late, it will be noted. If your assignments are chronically late, we may hold it against you in terms of grading. If you turn in an assignment after everyone else has been graded (or after an answer key has been posted), we probably won’t grade your assignment. It is better to turn in something a little late than nothing at all, but very late assignments won’t help you. Usually we give you assignments so you can use them as practice before the next thing.
Late projects may be penalized. There is a penalty for missing the deadline, and increased expectations because you had an increased amount of time to do the project. We will not allow project to be turned in after the time at which it is supposed to be graded. (note: it is unclear whether with such a large class we will be able to grade projects with in-person demos.)
We will not precisely quantify the penalties for late assignments and projects. If you’re really concerned about your grade, turn in good work on time. Generally, we like the idea of giving you more time so you can do better and cooler stuff. But there are practical concerns both in terms of you needing to move on to the next thing, us being able to do the grading, and having fairness in the class.